National Walk Your Dog Week!

Posted on October 12, 2018 by Chelsea Smales | 0 comments

This week is National Walk Your Dog Week!

Dog ownership is amazing; the bonds that are created, and all the snuggles imaginable! There are also a lot of responsibilities of owning a dog, including making sure they receive enough exercise each day.

Just like people, dogs need to MOVE!

They are high energy animals for the most part, and even those breeds that don’t quite look like they should be running a marathon, (Bulldogs I’m looking at you!) they still need to get out and exercise their joints and lungs each and every day.

It is recommended that dogs get an average of 1 hour of exercise a day. This could be leash walking, taking your dog to the dog park, or going for a swim.

Most people enjoy walking their dogs. It’s a relaxing thing to do, usually in the mornings and evenings; a way to unwind with your furry friend. Hiking through the woods, beach walks or just walking on the sidewalk, it’s good for all of us.

Where do you like to walk your dog??

Posted in Raising Awareness



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