Did you know?
Dogs have a general sense of what time it is! Like us humans, dogs understand routines and start to recognize our regular coming and going times. They generally have a good sense of how much time has gone by, this is why they look SO unimpressed when or if you get home late.
Did you know?
The beloved Pug's history starts back in 700BC! They were named Lo-sze by the Chinese. Back then, the Pug could only be owned by Tibetan monasteries and members of the Chinese imperial household. They were ALWAYS with their owners, even during royal events. The great emperor Ling To made sure that his pugs were always protected by the soldiers who guarded his palace.
Source = Pug Village
Did you know?
It has been scientifically proven that looking at cute puppy pictures at work can actually help you focus. Japanese researchers proved that looking at puppy pictures improved efficiency at tasks that require a lot of focus. Due to the fact that puppy pictures obviously fill our minds positive emotions, the human mind tends to be more accurate and effective when in this state.